object MPEGConfigForm: TMPEGConfigForm Left = 206 Top = 117 ActiveControl = OKButton BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'MPEG setting' ClientHeight = 480 ClientWidth = 417 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poDesktopCenter Scaled = False ShowHint = True OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 12 object PageControl: TPageControl Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 401 Height = 433 ActivePage = VideoSheet MultiLine = True TabOrder = 0 object VideoSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'Video' object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 377 Caption = 'Video stream setting' TabOrder = 0 object Label6: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 93 Height = 12 Caption = 'Stream &type:' FocusControl = Video_StreamType end object Video_SizeLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 58 Width = 51 Height = 12 Caption = '&Size:' FocusControl = Video_Width end object Label13: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 106 Width = 91 Height = 12 Caption = '&Frame rate:' FocusControl = Video_FrameRate end object Label30: TLabel Left = 214 Top = 56 Width = 6 Height = 12 Caption = 'x' end object Label31: TLabel Left = 288 Top = 56 Width = 43 Height = 12 Caption = 'pixels' end object Bevel3: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 45 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Video_CBR_BitRateLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 161 Width = 75 Height = 12 Caption = '&Bit rate:' FocusControl = Video_CBR_BitRate end object Label35: TLabel Left = 279 Top = 186 Width = 15 Height = 12 Caption = 'KB' end object Video_CBR_BitRate_StepLabel: TLabel Left = 279 Top = 162 Width = 82 Height = 12 AutoSize = False end object Label10: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 187 Width = 120 Height = 12 Caption = '&VBV buffer size:' FocusControl = Video_VBVBufferSize end object Label23: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 82 Width = 93 Height = 12 Caption = '&Aspect ratio:' FocusControl = Video_AspectRatio end object Bevel5: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 208 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Video_ProfileAndLevelLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 218 Width = 124 Height = 12 Caption = '&Profile && Level:' FocusControl = Video_ProfileAndLevel end object Video_VideoFormatLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 242 Width = 110 Height = 12 Caption = 'Vid&eo format:' FocusControl = Video_VideoFormat end object Video_YUVFormatLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 291 Width = 68 Height = 12 Caption = '&YUV format:' FocusControl = Video_YUVFormat end object Video_DC_PrecLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 315 Width = 86 Height = 12 Caption = '&DC component precision:' FocusControl = Video_DC_Prec end object Bevel10: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 337 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Label16: TLabel Left = 17 Top = 351 Width = 89 Height = 12 Caption = '&Motion search precision:' FocusControl = Video_MotionSearch end object Video_RateControlModeLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 136 Width = 103 Height = 12 Caption = '&Rate control mode:' FocusControl = Video_RateControlMode end object Bevel4: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 126 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Video_VideoEncodeModeLabel: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 266 Width = 100 Height = 12 Caption = 'E&ncode mode:' FocusControl = Video_VideoEncodeMode end object Video_StreamType: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 19 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set MPEG-Video format'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-1'#13#10#13#10'Generally supported by mos' + 't computer.'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-2'#13#10#13#10'More feature(e.g. Interlace encode) ' + 'supported compared to MPEG-1,'#13#10'but need software DVD player in m' + 'ost case.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = Video_StreamTypeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_Width: TSpinExEdit Left = 152 Top = 52 Width = 57 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set value of MPEG file windows size by multiple of 8.'#13#10#13#10'Both ve' + 'rtical and horizontal value needs to be multiple of 16,'#13#10'otherwi' + 'se the movie might cause noise at the edge of window.' AlignValue = True CanFloatValue = False FloatValue = 1 Increment = 16 MaxValue = 4095 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 1 Value = 1 OnChange = Video_WidthChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_FrameRate: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 101 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set MPEG-Video framerate'#13#10#13#10'The frame rate [15 fps (internally 3' + '0 fps)] does not exist MPEG standard, and quality is lower'#13#10'beca' + 'use this frame rate is set provisionally.'#13#10#13#10'<>Windows Media Pla' + 'yer might not be able to playback movie properly which is 60fps.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 4 OnChange = Video_FrameRateChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_Height: TSpinExEdit Left = 225 Top = 52 Width = 57 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set value of MPEG file windows size by multiple of 8.'#13#10#13#10'Both ve' + 'rtical and horizontal value needs to be multiple of 16,'#13#10'otherwi' + 'se the movie might cause noise at the edge of window.' AlignValue = True CanFloatValue = False FloatValue = 1 Increment = 16 MaxValue = 4095 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 2 Value = 1 OnChange = Video_HeightChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_CBR_BitRate: TSpinExEdit Left = 152 Top = 157 Width = 121 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set howmany bits video part use per sec when constant bitrate en' + 'abled.' AlignValue = True CanFloatValue = False FloatValue = 1000 Increment = 50000 MinValue = 1000 TabOrder = 8 Value = 1000 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown OnGetText = BitRateEditGetText OnGetValue = BitRateEditGetValue end object Video_VBVBufferSize: TSpinExEdit Left = 152 Top = 182 Width = 121 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set selected decoder'#39's buffer size by even number.("0" is Automa' + 'tic setting)'#13#10#13#10'TMPGEnc'#39's bitrate controls adjustes VBV buffer n' + 'ot to overflow or underflow.'#13#10#13#10'<> Technical information for Ove' + 'rflow, Underflow'#13#10#13#10'Suppose MPEG compression data is transferred' + ' to buffer in specific data rate,'#13#10'the data from buffer in varia' + 'ble data transferred rate when decoding :'#13#10#13#10'Overflow;'#13#10#13#10'When m' + 'ore data than buffer size are inputted'#13#10#13#10'Underflow;'#13#10#13#10'Data tra' + 'nsfer to the buffer is too late, and enough data for 1 frame has' + ' not been'#13#10'sent to the buffer.' AlignValue = True CanFloatValue = False Increment = 2 MaxValue = 100000 TabOrder = 9 Value = 0 OnExit = Video_VBVBufferSizeExit OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown OnGetText = Video_VBVBufferSizeGetText OnGetValue = Video_VBVBufferSizeGetValue end object Video_AspectRatio: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 77 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set aspect ratio of MPEG-Video'#13#10#13#10'Some Player which handles MPEG' + #39's aspect ratio properly, can automatically'#13#10'correct aspect rati' + 'o when they playback.'#13#10#13#10'The aspect ratio correction is done in ' + 'WindowsMediaPlayer at full-screen. ' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 3 OnChange = Video_AspectRatioChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_ProfileAndLevel: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 214 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set decoder class which can decode the created MPEG file.'#13#10'The h' + 'igher profile-level, the better decoder.'#13#10#13#10'Depends on profile, ' + 'usable YUV format and DC component precision are different,'#13#10'als' + 'o depends on level, maximum bitrate is different.'#13#10#13#10'DVD format ' + 'is MP@ML.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 10 OnChange = Video_ProfileAndLevelChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_VideoFormat: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 238 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set Video format of source.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 11 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_YUVFormat: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 286 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set YUV format. The lower, the more data, more bitrate required.' + #13#10#13#10'<> 4:2:0'#13#10#13#10'Color component is reduced to 1/4.Lower resoluti' + 'on may stand out at reddish part.'#13#10#13#10'<> 4:2:2'#13#10#13#10'Color component' + ' is reduced to 1/2.This format can not be used in default settin' + 'g.'#13#10'To use this format, you need change profile and level.'#13#10#13#10'<>' + ' 4:4:4'#13#10#13#10'No color reduction in this format, this is not support' + 'ed by TMPGEnc.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 13 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_DC_Prec: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 310 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set DC component precision. The higher precision, the smoother m' + 'ovie.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 14 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_MotionSearch: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 346 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set motion search precision. The better quality, the more time t' + 'o encode required.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 15 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_RateControlMode: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 133 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set bitrate controls. Except CBR, RT_CBR, outputted in variable ' + 'bitrate.'#13#10#13#10'<> Constant bitrate (CBR)'#13#10#13#10'Bitrate is always fixed' + '.Some scene which use more bitrate such as scene more'#13#10'motion in' + 'volved, block noise may stand out.'#13#10#13#10'* Bitrate is not fixed, bu' + 't data transfer rate to VBV buffer is fixed in this case.'#13#10#13#10'<> ' + '2 pass variable rate(VBR)'#13#10#13#10'Distribute bitrate after check whol' + 'e movie.'#13#10#13#10'<> Manual VBR (MVBR)'#13#10#13#10'This is fixed bitrate which ' + 'enable to set bitrate for each scene.'#13#10'Bitrate setting is done a' + 't force picture setting.'#13#10#13#10'<> Automatic VBR (CQ_VBR)'#13#10#13#10'This mo' + 'de is Automatic bitrate setting(of manual variable rate).'#13#10#13#10'<> ' + 'Constant quality (CQ)'#13#10#13#10'Quality is always fixed. File size is d' + 'ifferent depends on movie.'#13#10#13#10'<> Realtime CBR (RT_CBR)'#13#10#13#10'In thi' + 's mode, CBR encode is done consecutively, then, the quality gets' + ' worse,'#13#10'and force picture type is invalied because bit distribu' + 'tion by GOP unit can not be used.'#13#10#13#10'<> Realtime CQ (RT_CQ)'#13#10#13#10'I' + 'n this mode, CQ encode is done consecutively, then, the quality ' + 'gets worse,'#13#10'and force picture type is invalied because bit dist' + 'ribution by GOP unit can not be used.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 6 OnChange = Video_RateControlModeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_RateControlButton: TButton Left = 317 Top = 132 Width = 46 Height = 22 Caption = 'Setting' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = Video_RateControlButtonClick end object Video_FrameRateButton: TButton Left = 317 Top = 100 Width = 46 Height = 22 Caption = 'Setting' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = Video_FrameRateButtonClick end object Video_VideoEncodeMode: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 262 Width = 161 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set encoding method'#13#10#13#10'<> Non-interlace'#13#10#13#10'Encode movie with non' + 'interlace'#13#10#13#10'<> Interlace'#13#10#13#10'Encode movie with interlace'#13#10#13#10'Some' + ' software DVD player can playback movie which was encoded in'#13#10'th' + 'is mode, at the same time disabling interlace automatically.'#13#10#13#10 + '<> 3:2 pulldown when playback'#13#10#13#10'Output information to 3:2 pulld' + 'own when movie which is 23.976 or 24 fps '#13#10'is played. With this ' + 'feature, the outputted MPEG2 file would be 29.97 fps'#13#10'or 30 fps ' + 'interlace.'#13#10#13#10'Since encoding is done with noninterlace, this wou' + 'ld be better quality then'#13#10'the case of 3:2 pulldown when encodin' + 'g.'#13#10#13#10'<> Inverse 3:2 pulldown'#13#10#13#10'Encode 29.97 fps or 30 fps inte' + 'rlace movie at the same time doing'#13#10'inverse 3:2 pulldown if poss' + 'ible.'#13#10#13#10'This is better quality than "interlace" mode when encod' + 'ing Anime or'#13#10'movie without converting to 24fps.'#13#10#13#10'The movie mi' + 'ght be progressive partially, but all frames are dealed as'#13#10'inte' + 'rlace on MPEG-2 file.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 TabOrder = 12 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end end object VideoAdvancedSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'Advanced' ImageIndex = 5 object GroupBox7: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 393 Caption = 'Video source setting' TabOrder = 0 object Bevel6: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 151 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Bevel8: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 93 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Label14: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 46 Width = 113 Height = 12 Caption = '&Field order:' FocusControl = Video_FieldOrder end object Label25: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 110 Height = 12 Caption = 'Video source &type:' FocusControl = Video_FieldSource end object Label7: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 70 Width = 114 Height = 12 Caption = 'Source &aspect ratio:' FocusControl = Video_SrcAspectRatio end object Label11: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 104 Width = 91 Height = 12 Caption = 'Video arrange &Method:' FocusControl = Video_ImageArrange end object Label12: TLabel Left = 222 Top = 128 Width = 6 Height = 12 Caption = 'x' end object Label15: TLabel Left = 304 Top = 128 Width = 43 Height = 12 Caption = 'pixels' end object Label19: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 371 Width = 325 Height = 12 Caption = 'Double click on filter name to display filter setting window.' end object Video_FieldOrder: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 43 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set field order when Interlace is enabled.'#13#10#13#10'This setting will ' + 'affect to the following:'#13#10#13#10'> MPEG-2 Interlace'#13#10'> Inverse teleci' + 'ne'#13#10'> Deinterlace' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 Items.Strings = ( 'Top field first (field A)' 'Bottom field first (field B)') TabOrder = 1 OnChange = Video_FieldOrderChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_FieldSource: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 19 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Select type of video source'#13#10#13#10'This setting will affect to the f' + 'ollowing:'#13#10#13#10'> Resize' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 12 Items.Strings = ( 'Non-interlace (progressive)' 'Interlace') TabOrder = 0 OnChange = Video_FieldSourceChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_SrcAspectRatio: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 67 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set aspect ratio for video source' Style = csDropDownList DropDownCount = 16 ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 2 OnChange = Video_SrcAspectRatioChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_ImageArrange: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 100 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set how to arrange Source Video'#13#10#13#10'<> Center'#13#10#13#10'Movie will be di' + 'splayed at the center of window.'#13#10#13#10'<> Center (keep aspect ratio' + ')'#13#10#13#10'Movie will be displayed at the center of window at the same' + ' time the aspect ratio is kept.'#13#10#13#10'<> Center (custom size)'#13#10#13#10'Mo' + 'vie will be displayed at the center of window in any size.'#13#10#13#10'<>' + ' Full screen'#13#10#13#10'Display with Maximized window.'#13#10#13#10'<> Full screen' + ' (keep aspect ratio)'#13#10#13#10'Maximize windows at the same time keepin' + 'g aspect ratio.'#13#10#13#10'<> Full screen (keep aspect ratio 2)'#13#10#13#10'Maxim' + 'ize windows at the same time keeping aspect ratio'#13#10'and displayed' + ' movie size in full screen.'#13#10#13#10'<> No margin(keep aspect ratio)'#13#10 + #13#10'Maximize the window so that no margin will appear, then someti' + 'me the edge of video is cut out.'#13#10 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 3 OnChange = Video_ImageArrangeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_ImageArrangeWidth: TSpinEdit Left = 152 Top = 124 Width = 65 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set window size when the movie is displayed at the center of dis' + 'play.' MaxValue = 999999 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 4 Value = 1 OnChange = Video_ImageArrangeWidthChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_ImageArrangeHeight: TSpinEdit Left = 233 Top = 124 Width = 64 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set window size when the movie is displayed at the center of dis' + 'play.' MaxValue = 999999 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 5 Value = 1 OnChange = Video_ImageArrangeHeightChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_FilterList: TCheckListBox Left = 16 Top = 160 Width = 345 Height = 206 OnClickCheck = Video_FilterListClickCheck ItemHeight = 16 Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed TabOrder = 6 OnDblClick = Video_FilterListDblClick OnKeyDown = Video_FilterListKeyDown OnMouseMove = Video_FilterListMouseMove end end end object VideoGOPSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'GOP structure' ImageIndex = 3 object GroupBox5: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 281 Caption = 'GOP structure' TabOrder = 0 object Label26: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 88 Width = 147 Height = 12 Caption = 'Number of &P picture in GOP:' FocusControl = Video_GOP_P_FrameCount end object Label27: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 113 Width = 149 Height = 12 Caption = 'Number of &B picture in GOP:' FocusControl = Video_GOP_B_FrameCount end object Label28: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 63 Width = 139 Height = 12 Caption = 'Number of &I picture in GOP:' FocusControl = Video_GOP_I_FrameCount end object Bevel2: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 240 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Label8: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 139 Width = 175 Height = 12 Caption = 'Output interval of &sequence header:' FocusControl = Video_GOP_SeqHeaderInterval end object Label20: TLabel Left = 303 Top = 139 Width = 51 Height = 12 Caption = 'GOP' end object Video_GOP_BitStreamForEdit: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 172 Width = 265 Height = 17 Hint = 'To edit easily, no different tendency among different GOP.' Caption = 'Output bitstream for edit (Closed GOP)' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = GOP_IPB_FrameCountChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object GOPstruct: TEdit Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 345 Height = 20 Color = clBtnFace ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 0 end object Video_GOP_P_FrameCount: TSpinEdit Left = 200 Top = 84 Width = 97 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set number of P picture(previous referred encode) in a GOP.' MaxValue = 9999 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 2 Value = 0 OnChange = GOP_IPB_FrameCountChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_GOP_B_FrameCount: TSpinEdit Left = 200 Top = 109 Width = 97 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set number of B picture(previous and next referred encode) in a ' + 'GOP.' MaxValue = 9999 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 3 Value = 0 OnChange = GOP_IPB_FrameCountChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object GOPButton_I_Only: TButton Tag = 10000 Left = 16 Top = 248 Width = 110 Height = 25 Caption = 'I picture only' TabOrder = 9 OnClick = GOPButton_DefaultClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object GOPButton_IP_Only: TButton Tag = 11400 Left = 133 Top = 248 Width = 110 Height = 25 Caption = 'I,P picture only' TabOrder = 10 OnClick = GOPButton_DefaultClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object GOPButton_Default: TButton Tag = 10502 Left = 250 Top = 248 Width = 110 Height = 25 Caption = 'Standard' TabOrder = 11 OnClick = GOPButton_DefaultClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_SceneChange_ForceI: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 192 Width = 153 Height = 17 Hint = 'Force to insert I picture to make the quality better if scene ch' + 'ange is detected.' Caption = 'Detect Scene change' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = Video_SceneChange_ForceIClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_GOP_I_FrameCount: TSpinEdit Left = 200 Top = 59 Width = 97 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set number of I picture(encode in frame) in a GOP.' MaxValue = 9999 MinValue = 1 TabOrder = 1 Value = 1 OnChange = GOP_IPB_FrameCountChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_EnableIFrameList: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 213 Width = 169 Height = 17 Caption = 'Force picture type setting' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = Video_EnableIFrameListClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_IFrameListButton: TButton Left = 192 Top = 208 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'setting' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = Video_IFrameListButtonClick end object Video_GOP_SeqHeaderInterval: TSpinEdit Left = 200 Top = 134 Width = 97 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set output interval of sequence header which is outputted with s' + 'pecific number of GOP.'#13#10'If 0 is selected, it is outputted only a' + 't the beginning of MPEG file.'#13#10#13#10'In force picture type setting, ' + 'Quantize matrix is switched only if 1 is selected.' MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 4 Value = 0 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end end object VideoQuantMatrixSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'Quantize matrix' ImageIndex = 4 object GroupBox6: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 253 Caption = 'Quantize matrix' TabOrder = 0 object Label29: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 21 Width = 103 Height = 12 Caption = 'For &intrablock:' FocusControl = Video_Quant_intra_matrix end object Label34: TLabel Left = 192 Top = 21 Width = 126 Height = 12 Caption = 'For &non-intrablock:' FocusControl = Video_Quant_non_intra_matrix end object Bevel11: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 213 Width = 348 Height = 2 end object Video_Quant_intra_matrix: TStringGrid Left = 16 Top = 37 Width = 171 Height = 171 ColCount = 8 Ctl3D = True DefaultColWidth = 20 DefaultRowHeight = 20 FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 8 FixedRows = 0 Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine, goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor] ParentCtl3D = False ScrollBars = ssNone TabOrder = 0 OnExit = Video_Quant_intra_matrixExit OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown OnSelectCell = Video_Quant_intra_matrixSelectCell OnSetEditText = Video_Quant_intra_matrixSetEditText end object Video_Quant_non_intra_matrix: TStringGrid Left = 192 Top = 37 Width = 171 Height = 171 ColCount = 8 DefaultColWidth = 20 DefaultRowHeight = 20 FixedCols = 0 RowCount = 8 FixedRows = 0 Options = [goVertLine, goHorzLine, goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor] ScrollBars = ssNone TabOrder = 1 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown OnSetEditText = Video_Quant_intra_matrixSetEditText end object MatrixComboBox: TComboBox Left = 16 Top = 223 Width = 237 Height = 20 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 2 OnChange = MatrixComboBoxChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object SaveMatrixButton: TButton Left = 259 Top = 220 Width = 51 Height = 25 Caption = 'Save' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = SaveMatrixButtonClick end object DeleteMatrixButton: TButton Left = 312 Top = 220 Width = 52 Height = 25 Caption = 'Delete' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = DeleteMatrixButtonClick end end object GroupBox3: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 266 Width = 377 Height = 135 Caption = 'Special setting' TabOrder = 1 object Label22: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 111 Width = 80 Height = 12 Caption = 'Intra block:' end object Label24: TLabel Left = 184 Top = 111 Width = 98 Height = 12 Caption = 'Non-intra block:' end object Bevel9: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 80 Width = 337 Height = 2 end object Video_UseFloatDCT: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 38 Width = 337 Height = 17 Hint = 'Calculate DCT with floating decimal point. This takes time but D' + 'CT error gets smaller,'#13#10'and Video gets more stable.' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Video_UseFloatDCTClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_QuantMode: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 87 Width = 161 Height = 16 Hint = 'Reduce block noise with obvious edge when bitrate shortage occur' + 's.'#13#10#13#10'If this option is enabled, the movie gets softer, but ugly' + ' block noise will hardly appear.' Caption = 'Soften block noise' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = Video_QuantModeClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_MPEGQuantQuantModeVal_Intra: TSpinEdit Left = 104 Top = 106 Width = 65 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set block noise reduction at range of 0 - 100.'#13#10#13#10'If the number ' + 'is closer to 100, more noise are reduced and the movie looks sof' + 'ter.' MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 4 Value = 0 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_MPEGQuantQuantModeVal_NonIntra: TSpinEdit Left = 288 Top = 108 Width = 65 Height = 21 Hint = 'Set block noise reduction at range of 0 - 100.'#13#10#13#10'If the number ' + 'is closer to 100, more noise are reduced and the movie looks sof' + 'ter.' MaxValue = 100 MinValue = 0 TabOrder = 5 Value = 0 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_EnableBasicYCbCr: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 19 Width = 345 Height = 17 Hint = 'Output YUV data in Basic YCbCr, not CCIR601. Then,'#13#10'Y range of M' + 'PEG YCbCr is not 8 - 235 but 0 - 255.'#13#10#13#10'Since DV format movie h' + 'as already recorded as CCIR601,'#13#10'better result can be expected i' + 'f this option is enabled.' BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight Caption = 'Output YUV data as Basic YCbCr not CCIR601' ParentBiDiMode = False TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Video_EnableBasicYCbCrClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Video_MotionSearch_NoAlwaysHalfPel: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 58 Width = 305 Height = 17 Hint = 'Do not motion search by half pixel at still picture part.'#13#10#13#10'Thi' + 's eliminates blur at no motion part, however slight motion will ' + 'be spoiled as a side effect.' Caption = 'No motion search for still picture part by half pixel' TabOrder = 2 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end end object AudioSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'Audio' ImageIndex = 3 object GroupBox8: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 233 Caption = 'Audio stream setting' TabOrder = 0 object Label1: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 57 Width = 116 Height = 12 Caption = 'Sampling &frequency:' FocusControl = Audio_SamplingFrequency end object Label2: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 93 Height = 12 Caption = 'Stream &type:' FocusControl = Audio_StreamType end object Label3: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 105 Width = 75 Height = 12 Caption = '&Bit rate:' FocusControl = Audio_BitRate end object Label5: TLabel Left = 302 Top = 104 Width = 49 Height = 12 Caption = 'kbits/sec' end object Label4: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 81 Width = 103 Height = 12 Caption = '&Channel mode:' FocusControl = Audio_ChannelMode end object Label21: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 208 Width = 89 Height = 12 Caption = '&Emphasis:' FocusControl = Audio_EmphasisType end object Label9: TLabel Left = 302 Top = 57 Width = 13 Height = 12 Caption = 'Hz' end object Bevel7: TBevel Left = 16 Top = 45 Width = 345 Height = 2 end object Audio_SamplingFrequency: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 52 Width = 145 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set Sampling frequency' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 Sorted = True TabOrder = 1 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Audio_StreamType: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 19 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set MPEG-Audio format' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = Audio_StreamTypeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Audio_ChannelMode: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 76 Width = 145 Height = 20 Hint = 'Channel setting' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 2 OnChange = Audio_StreamTypeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Audio_BitRate: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 100 Width = 145 Height = 20 Hint = 'Bitrate setting' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 3 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Audio_OriginalFlag: TCheckBox Left = 152 Top = 145 Width = 137 Height = 17 Caption = 'Original flag' TabOrder = 5 end object Audio_CalcCRC: TCheckBox Left = 152 Top = 127 Width = 161 Height = 17 Hint = 'If CRC value is included in MPEG-Audio file, the data can be che' + 'cked if it is correct when played.' Caption = 'Error protection' TabOrder = 4 end object Audio_CopyrightFlag: TCheckBox Left = 152 Top = 163 Width = 113 Height = 17 Caption = 'Copyright flag' TabOrder = 6 end object Audio_PrivateFlag: TCheckBox Left = 152 Top = 181 Width = 145 Height = 17 Caption = 'Private flag' TabOrder = 7 end object Audio_EmphasisType: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 203 Width = 145 Height = 20 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 8 OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end object GroupBox4: TGroupBox Left = 56 Top = 264 Width = 287 Height = 57 Caption = 'Audio Edit' TabOrder = 1 Visible = False object Audio_EnableAudioEffect: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 169 Height = 17 Caption = 'Use Audio Edit' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Audio_EnableAudioEffectClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end object Audio_AudioEffectButton: TButton Left = 195 Top = 20 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'Setting' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Audio_AudioEffectButtonClick end end end object SystemSheet: TTabSheet Caption = 'System' ImageIndex = 3 object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 8 Width = 377 Height = 49 Caption = 'System stream setting' TabOrder = 0 object Label17: TLabel Left = 16 Top = 24 Width = 93 Height = 12 Caption = 'Stream &type:' FocusControl = System_StreamType end object System_StreamType: TComboBox Left = 152 Top = 19 Width = 209 Height = 20 Hint = 'Set system stream format'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-1 System (automatic)'#13#10#13#10'Outp' + 'ut MPEG1 system stream. If there is any VBR format stream,'#13#10'it w' + 'ill be outputted in VBR mode.'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-1 System (VBR)'#13#10#13#10'Alway' + 's output MPEG1 system stream in VBR mode'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-1 Video-CD'#13#10 + #13#10'Output in CBR mode MPEG1 system stream which supports VideoCD ' + 'standard.'#13#10'To fully support VCD standard, some value (e.g.bitrat' + 'e) have to be set according to the standard.'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-1 Video-' + 'CD (non-standard)'#13#10#13#10'Output MPEG1 system stream for VideoCD. If ' + 'there is ant VBR format stream, it is outputted in VBR mode.'#13#10#13#10 + 'This mode is not recommended since MPEG file in this mode is not' + ' compatible with VCD standard.'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-2 program (VBR)'#13#10#13#10'Alw' + 'ays output MPEG2 program stream in VBR mode'#13#10#13#10'<> MPEG-2 Super V' + 'ideoCD (VBR)'#13#10#13#10'Output MPEG2 program stream which is compatible ' + 'with SuperVideoCD Standard, in VBR mode.'#13#10#13#10'To be sully compatib' + 'le with SVCD standard, some value(e.g.bitrate) of video have to ' + 'be selected according to SVCD standard.' Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 0 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = System_StreamTypeChange OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end object GroupBox9: TGroupBox Left = 8 Top = 64 Width = 377 Height = 241 Caption = 'Comment insert setting' TabOrder = 1 object System_Comment: TMemo Left = 16 Top = 43 Width = 345 Height = 182 Hint = 'Insert comment into MPEG file.'#13#10#13#10'Actually, it will be inserted ' + 'to MPEG-Video stream as User Data.' ScrollBars = ssBoth TabOrder = 1 end object System_EnableComment: TCheckBox Left = 16 Top = 19 Width = 105 Height = 17 Hint = 'Insert comment to MPEG file.'#13#10#13#10'Actually, it will be inserted to' + ' MPEG-Video stream as User data.' Caption = 'Insert comment' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = System_EnableCommentClick OnKeyDown = EditKeyDown end end end end object OKButton: TButton Left = 254 Top = 448 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = 'OK' ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 1 OnClick = OKButtonClick end object CancelButton: TButton Left = 334 Top = 448 Width = 75 Height = 25 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 2 end end